Photos of every ANTM contestant!
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Jade Cole7062 viewsPhoto: Jim De Yonker48 comments05/21/08 at 22:49pollywolly: She needs some chapstick.
Jade Cole8306 viewsPhoto: Thomas Klementsson51 comments05/21/08 at 22:47pollywolly: I cannot imagine her as a all. I won...
Jade Cole6181 viewsPhoto: Richard Reinsdorf31 comments05/21/08 at 22:46pollywolly: Oh gosh, typical melodramatic Jade. I hate how he...
Jade Cole7046 viewsPhoto: Pascal Demeester40 comments05/21/08 at 22:45pollywolly: I have an issue with the nostrils and her right ha...
Jade Cole3566 views23 comments05/21/08 at 22:44pollywolly: She looks soft and sort of friendly...she is a dec...
Jade Cole8533 viewsPhoto: Pascal Demeester33 comments05/21/08 at 22:43pollywolly: I really dislike Jade, but I love this picture. S...
Gina Choe7296 viewsPhoto: Thomas Klementsson64 comments05/21/08 at 22:42pollywolly: This pic is kind of awkward, but it isn't that...
Gina Choe6973 viewsPhoto: Tracy Bayne56 comments05/21/08 at 22:41pollywolly: I think she looks great in this picture. It is no...
Gina Choe3822 views30 comments05/21/08 at 22:40pollywolly: She is so beautiful. This is one of the best pres...
Jade Cole9568 viewsPhoto: Nigel Barker57 comments05/21/08 at 22:28Sophie: Gorgeous!
Jade Cole7703 viewsPhoto: Jaturong Kirankarn35 comments05/21/08 at 22:27Sophie: Love her arms!
Jade Cole8458 viewsPhoto: Trevor O'Shana38 comments05/21/08 at 22:26Sophie: Great shot, but like Tyra said, she forgot she was...
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