Photos of every ANTM contestant!
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Gina Choe6973 viewsPhoto: Tracy Bayne56 comments05/22/08 at 16:40hairstonh: she was the least confident of all time. i can...
Heather Kuzmich16923 viewsPhoto: Fredric Reshew109 comments05/22/08 at 16:40: I like the pose but not her face. Her nose looks h...
Heather Kuzmich12733 viewsPhoto: Mike Rosenthal59 comments05/22/08 at 16:39: I like this shot. It would of been better if her f...
Joanie Dodds8406 views38 comments05/22/08 at 16:38duckiies: I love love love this shot.
Mollie Sue Steenis-Gondi7063 viewsPhoto: Tracy Bayne27 comments05/22/08 at 16:38ChartreusePony: I LOVE Mollie Sue but I don't care for this sh...
Heather Kuzmich15109 viewsPhoto: Lionel Deluy69 comments05/22/08 at 16:38: I think it's boring.
Heather Kuzmich13228 views68 comments05/22/08 at 16:37: Very good shot. My third favorite.
Joanie Dodds16236 viewsPhoto: Pascal Demeester67 comments05/22/08 at 16:37duckiies: One of my favorite photos of all time.
Joanie Dodds19443 viewsPhoto: Pongsak Tangtiwaja168 comments05/22/08 at 16:36duckiies: Amazing shot.
Heather Kuzmich21495 viewsPhoto: Matthew Jordan Smith145 comments05/22/08 at 16:35: Finally, someone that looks like their actueally r...
Heather Kuzmich7280 views35 comments05/22/08 at 16:35duckiies: ^ I like Heather, but I agree with you.
Ebony Morgan10032 viewsPhoto: Lionel Deluy59 comments05/22/08 at 16:35ChartreusePony: This is her only shot that I like...except for tha...
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