Photos of every ANTM contestant!
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Kimberly Leemans7066 viewsPhoto: Matthew Jordan Smith73 comments05/24/08 at 17:15ChartreusePony: This is by no means phenomenal but how is it that ...
Brittany Hatch10443 viewsPhoto: Kareem Black50 comments05/24/08 at 17:14Lady_Ivanov: innoncent just break me, she looks absolutely ador...
Brittany Hatch7779 views26 comments05/24/08 at 17:13Lady_Ivanov: Shocked god... yes, she looks like melrose in thi...
Kimberly Leemans6367 viewsPhoto: Mike Rosenthal33 comments05/24/08 at 17:12ChartreusePony: Am I the only one who hated this photoshoot? I kno...
Bre Scullark7760 viewsPhoto: Barry Lategan44 comments05/24/08 at 17:07ChartreusePony: ^ I completely agree.
Renee Alway4345 viewsPhoto: Robert Diadul6 comments05/24/08 at 16:57ChartreusePony: I like her eyes in this shot but her mouth looks s...
Ashley Black581 views3 comments05/24/08 at 16:23ChartreusePony: Is Ashley the one with the alleged "pretty ge...
Sara Albert6707 viewsPhoto: Jaturong Kirankarn47 comments05/24/08 at 16:19ChartreusePony: ^ I don't know why she was called before Joani...
Whitney Thompson8990 views77 comments05/24/08 at 16:15c10rockss: I AGREE.. ANYA'S SHOOTS WERE MUCH BETTER. SHE ...
Megg Morales1180 viewsPhoto: Kostars Photography2 comments05/24/08 at 16:13unknown: her teeth are crooked
Bre Scullark7613 viewsPhoto: Nigel Barker51 comments05/24/08 at 15:59vanillalatte4: see..i dont see why the judges didn't like thi...
Bre Scullark6935 views31 comments05/24/08 at 15:58vanillalatte4: I really like this shot..she looks pissed as hell....
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