Photos of every ANTM contestant!
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Whitney Thompson8990 views77 comments05/25/08 at 15:37dude02: I think this is BEAUTIFUL
Kim Stolz8185 viewsPhoto: Barry Lategan59 comments05/25/08 at 15:27Mew-Sumomo: I blame the face on Barry's not-so-good direct...
Kim Stolz8991 viewsPhoto: Nadia Pandolfo44 comments05/25/08 at 15:26Mew-Sumomo: My favorite photo of the whole shoot.
Kim Stolz6555 viewsPhoto: Michael Ruiz30 comments05/25/08 at 15:24Mew-Sumomo: The neck is gone. D:
Saleisha Stowers13288 viewsPhoto: Tyra Banks153 comments05/25/08 at 15:22Lady_Ivanov: The face is ok, but i agree that the judges really...
Saleisha Stowers11696 viewsPhoto: Nigel Barker119 comments05/25/08 at 15:19Lady_Ivanov: i agree, this is one of her good pics. It's no...
Chantal Jones12732 viewsPhoto: Nigel Barker59 comments05/25/08 at 15:13Lady_Ivanov: Very cool, i like the position of the body. The po...
Bianca Golden1141 viewsPhoto: Juan Martinez7 comments05/25/08 at 15:10Emmily: I love how primitive she looks
Kari Schmidt7375 viewsPhoto: Tracy Bayne79 comments05/25/08 at 15:08: It defiantly wasn't her time to go.
Kari Schmidt6867 viewsPhoto: Richard Reinsdorf71 comments05/25/08 at 15:07: Her eyes are off.
Kari Schmidt6242 views51 comments05/25/08 at 15:07: Best makeover shot of that cycle and one of the be...
Kari Schmidt6178 viewsPhoto: Pascal Demeester55 comments05/25/08 at 15:06: I actueally love this picture. She has a weird sha...
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