Photos of every ANTM contestant!
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Kyle Kavanagh4794 viewsPhoto: Mike Rosenthal23 comments05/26/08 at 12:28Sophie: I like the emotion, but the angle sucks.
Kyle Kavanagh4386 views26 comments05/26/08 at 12:27Sophie: She has tons of potential...
Natasha Galkina11896 viewsPhoto: Richard Reinsdorf60 comments05/26/08 at 12:26Adrian: great shot
Natasha Galkina12864 viewsPhoto: Mike Rosenthal49 comments05/26/08 at 12:22Adrian: great!!!!!!!!!
Jaslene Gonzalez11380 viewsPhoto: Jim De Yonker72 comments05/26/08 at 12:18Adrian: beautiful smile Very Happy
Lauren Utter10580 viewsPhoto: Peter Buckingham56 comments05/26/08 at 12:17bornnnyc123: she looks nothing like joanie, joanie would have o...
Jaslene Gonzalez13197 viewsPhoto: Tyra Banks59 comments05/26/08 at 12:15Adrian: she look really great
Jaslene Gonzalez10841 viewsPhoto: Richard Reinsdorf53 comments05/26/08 at 12:13Adrian: amazing
Jaslene Gonzalez12489 viewsPhoto: Mike Rosenthal40 comments05/26/08 at 12:11Adrian: is a great shot
Brooke Staricha6768 viewsPhoto: Pascal Demeester53 comments05/26/08 at 12:09bornnnyc123: elongation Very Happy
Jaslene Gonzalez15841 viewsPhoto: Carlos Rios83 comments05/26/08 at 12:07Adrian: strong!!!!!!!!!!!
Jaslene Gonzalez13744 viewsPhoto: Nigel Barker85 comments05/26/08 at 12:06Adrian: a great start for her!
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