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Saleisha Stowers1992 viewsFor: Les Nouvelles Esthétiques09/21/08 at 21:40RunFiercely: I'd kill to have bags under my eyes like that.
Saleisha Stowers1992 viewsFor: Les Nouvelles Esthétiques09/21/08 at 21:38Michelle&AmandaBabin: ^I agree, I'd kill to have skin like that.
Saleisha Stowers1992 viewsFor: Les Nouvelles Esthétiques09/21/08 at 20:55Eat-Your-HeartOut-Tyra: her skin looks great.
Saleisha Stowers1102 viewsFor: Macy's09/20/08 at 07:34Tamaraa: I agree!
Saleisha Stowers967 viewsFor: MetroStyle09/20/08 at 07:32Tamaraa: You're just Jealous at her. Please, accep for ...
Saleisha Stowers3313 viewsFor: 24 Hour Fitness09/12/08 at 22:44RunFiercely: I'm so glad that Saleisha is finally doing hig...
Saleisha Stowers2297 viewsFor: Especially Yours09/10/08 at 18:04j5s2s095: Any of these are better than her mushroom bob
Saleisha Stowers1820 viewsFor: Especially Yours09/05/08 at 12:33Michelle&AmandaBabin: This one's not as bad as the others, really!
Saleisha Stowers2131 viewsFor: Especially Yours09/05/08 at 12:33Michelle&AmandaBabin: beautiful eyes, forced smile!
Saleisha Stowers2212 viewsFor: DOMIJ09/05/08 at 12:31Michelle&AmandaBabin: It looks like she's masturbating and that leas...
Saleisha Stowers1992 viewsFor: Les Nouvelles Esthétiques09/05/08 at 12:21Michelle&AmandaBabin: Yearbook picture. She looks 10x younger.
Saleisha Stowers1605 viewsFor: Gilt.com08/24/08 at 15:38ineedamodelchick: lol...ok so a TV show got you so bitter that you w...
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