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Jaslene Gonzalez880 viewsPhoto: Yulia Gorbachenko06/28/11 at 21:19RSM: "I'm baaaack!" - Jaslene. I'm ...
Jaslene Gonzalez777 viewsPhoto: Yulia Gorbachenko06/28/11 at 20:53LadyDay: really liked this whole set
Jaslene Gonzalez880 viewsPhoto: Yulia Gorbachenko06/28/11 at 20:51LadyDay: loving the blond on her
Jaslene Gonzalez1183 viewsPhoto: Yulia Gorbachenko06/28/11 at 20:25casatelo125: THIS IS AMAZING (i hate her but i gotta say it)
Jaslene Gonzalez632 viewsPhoto: Jens Ingvarsson06/15/11 at 03:24NikkySan: ^ Me too. Srsly, WTF?
Jaslene Gonzalez632 viewsPhoto: Jens Ingvarsson06/13/11 at 17:52puppetmasters21: I lol'd
Jaslene Gonzalez785 viewsPhoto: Manny Roman06/13/11 at 17:50puppetmasters21: "I won a math debate" three times fast. ...
Jaslene Gonzalez785 viewsPhoto: Manny Roman06/13/11 at 11:47AlliMonZter: ^wtf?
Jaslene Gonzalez785 viewsPhoto: Manny Roman06/12/11 at 08:41Selumt0: Looks like she is masturbating
Jaslene Gonzalez393 viewsPhoto: Ray Manrique06/10/11 at 14:08ineedamodelchick: always good to see more from Cha Cha Diva! Given h...
Jaslene Gonzalez462 viewsPhoto: Chela Cervantes06/10/11 at 14:04ineedamodelchick: love this one
Jaslene Gonzalez796 viewsPhoto: Nuru Kimondo05/24/11 at 17:53antbfriend: ^^ true
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