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Sophie Sumner266 viewsFor: Pandora Philippines02/11/15 at 18:03BryanJanDavis: My favorite winner, I think (so much for "Ame...
Sophie Sumner244 viewsPhoto: Polly Penrose
For: Michelle Lowe-Holder for Topshop #1, S/S 0711/14/14 at 23:12mr_gagakhan: reminds me little bit to Kate Moss
Sophie Sumner266 viewsFor: Pandora Philippines12/25/13 at 19:17Canadagirl1234: Sophierce ♥
Sophie Sumner259 viewsFor: Bench Body Holiday 201201/29/13 at 22:37ChaChaChatham2: LOVE this photo, and the outfit is pretty cool.
Sophie Sumner278 viewsFor: Bench Body Holiday 201201/07/13 at 08:40rlo84: she looks a bit like Tilda Swinton here.
Sophie Sumner207 viewsPhoto: Polly Penrose
For: Michelle Lowe-Holder, A/W 0608/13/12 at 02:32EddieMosca: seeing these, and assuming these are old, she'...
Sophie Sumner437 viewsPhoto: Chris Bolin
For: Calgary Stampede07/27/12 at 21:47dpbenson: @Selumt0: The name has been corrected.
Sophie Sumner437 viewsPhoto: Chris Bolin
For: Calgary Stampede07/26/12 at 08:45Selumt0: Omg Sophie changed her name! :0 SHE PHOTOGRAPHED H...
Sophie Sumner152 viewsFor: People Tree S/S 201005/01/12 at 05:56ElleEstVraimentBelle: ^Yup. Emma and Sophie are best friends! She made i...
Sophie Sumner152 viewsFor: People Tree S/S 201005/01/12 at 04:28Jake21m: is that emma watson?!
Sophie Sumner137 viewsFor: People Tree04/23/12 at 03:00puppetmasters21: Basically my favorite celebrity couple.