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Dalya Morrow338 viewsPhoto: Logan Cole
FOR: WHITE Wedding Magazine (Australia)05/14/12 at 22:08Kimho: Yucks... the styling was so wrong.. three girls we...
Dalya Morrow194 viewsPhoto: Logan Cole
FOR: WHITE Wedding Magazine (Australia)05/13/12 at 08:20denno1414: BEST PHOTO OF DALYA YET!
Dalya Morrow268 viewsPhoto: Logan Cole
FOR: WHITE Wedding Magazine (Australia)05/13/12 at 05:48EnigmaticE: beautiful? she looks like sick and tired with some...
Dalya Morrow268 viewsPhoto: Logan Cole
FOR: WHITE Wedding Magazine (Australia)05/11/12 at 02:49puppetmasters21: Beautiful face but would be better without the han...
Dalya Morrow534 viewsPhoto: Gail Bowman
For: The Goods Magazine, June 201101/10/12 at 16:11atothet: This looks so good! I never saw her look this good...
Dalya Morrow594 viewsPhoto: Logan Cole
FOR: WHITE Wedding Magazine (Australia)11/13/11 at 15:48chungchungxavier: Is THIS a "WHITE" (people) Wedding Maga...
Dalya Morrow594 viewsPhoto: Logan Cole
FOR: WHITE Wedding Magazine (Australia)09/02/11 at 20:07s_archer1115: they don't look very happy to be getting marr...
Dalya Morrow496 viewsPhoto: Logan Cole
FOR: WHITE Wedding Magazine (Australia)08/29/11 at 17:27kuroyuki: awkward as hell.
Dalya Morrow496 viewsPhoto: Logan Cole
FOR: WHITE Wedding Magazine (Australia)08/29/11 at 12:50lachesis88atropos: oh dear lord.
Dalya Morrow664 viewsPhoto: Gail Bowman
For: The Goods Magazine, June 201108/12/11 at 12:45kara4thewin: she would have won
Dalya Morrow476 viewsPhoto: Gail Bowman
For: The Goods Magazine, June 201106/25/11 at 02:27RodneyJr93: Love it <3
Dalya Morrow509 viewsPhoto: Gail Bowman
For: The Goods Magazine, June 201106/07/11 at 19:41ineedamodelchick: Dani is my all time favorite girl!