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Sara Longoria3518 viewsPhoto: Mike Rosenthal07/16/11 at 20:411#AllisonHarvardFan: This is my second fav in the entire season Rite...
3054 views07/10/11 at 10:17DozMenges: Why was she complaining about getting the short ha...
Sara Longoria3518 viewsPhoto: Mike Rosenthal07/05/11 at 11:11heartcurrent: I love the ugly pretty thing going on
3054 views07/02/11 at 18:52NikkySan: Hello Liz.
3054 views05/08/11 at 15:49Ilovepink: gorgeous. i wish she could've had long hair i...
Sara Longoria3518 viewsPhoto: Mike Rosenthal05/08/11 at 06:55Sandie: I like this one she is very masculine
Sara Longoria3518 viewsPhoto: Mike Rosenthal04/27/11 at 02:52mzmillan: not for anythng but in this shot she looks like a ...
3054 views04/09/11 at 17:44darcy: ^maybe the androgyny thing in both of them
3054 views04/09/11 at 12:21Lunareitic: i see a lil agyness in her for some reason though....
3054 views03/16/11 at 22:53dietcokehead: @mrONEantm: buhahahahahaha....exactly what I thoug...
Sara Longoria3518 viewsPhoto: Mike Rosenthal03/13/11 at 22:45jooney: dont like the neck...
3054 views03/13/11 at 19:28StrawberrySky: I don't like the pose but her face is b-e-a-u...
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