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Mikaela Schipani3402 viewsPhoto: Miguel Starcevich12/09/13 at 13:54Canadagirl1234: it's not that bad she should have stayed...
Mikaela Schipani3897 viewsPhoto: Troy Jensen12/28/12 at 16:37Costaricafashion: She had a rash in her neck due to an allergic reac...
Mikaela Schipani3897 viewsPhoto: Troy Jensen12/28/12 at 14:17okl1995: what happened to her long hair...?
Mikaela Schipani3402 viewsPhoto: Miguel Starcevich09/11/12 at 05:20skankyho: Bad photo. Would've liked a double eliminatio...
Mikaela Schipani3968 viewsPhoto: Baldomero Fernandez09/11/12 at 05:17skankyho: She does look like a tranny and like she's ha...
Mikaela Schipani3897 viewsPhoto: Troy Jensen09/11/12 at 05:15skankyho: This is fantastic.
Mikaela Schipani4295 viewsPhoto: Mike Rosenthal09/11/12 at 05:14skankyho: I dont like this picture but it's the styling...
Mikaela Schipani4533 viewsPhoto: Russell James09/11/12 at 05:13skankyho: Not bad not great.
Mikaela Schipani4216 views09/11/12 at 05:12skankyho: I dont like this shot. She looks pissed off and l...
Mikaela Schipani4295 viewsPhoto: Mike Rosenthal08/07/12 at 12:27okl1995: she only had two good photos. the first one and th...
Mikaela Schipani3402 viewsPhoto: Miguel Starcevich06/10/12 at 14:08BryanJanDavis: The overall shot hurts my eyes. The background is ...
Mikaela Schipani3968 viewsPhoto: Baldomero Fernandez06/10/12 at 14:06BryanJanDavis: This shot is lukewarm. Its half sultry and half de...
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