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Kasia Pilewicz3986 viewsPhoto: Miguel Starcevich04/07/11 at 12:49Altaria: I actually LOVE this shot, and call me crazy, but ...
Kasia Pilewicz3986 viewsPhoto: Miguel Starcevich04/07/11 at 12:15Just_Dance: It fits the brief but I think it's hideous......
Kasia Pilewicz4001 viewsPhoto: Baldomero Fernandez04/07/11 at 00:47: I loooove Kasia! Jaclyn, Kasia and Hannah! TOP 3
Kasia Pilewicz4196 viewsPhoto: Mike Rosenthal04/05/11 at 09:07chungchungxavier: ^^well, Hannah's pic , with her Thyroid "...
Kasia Pilewicz4001 viewsPhoto: Baldomero Fernandez04/03/11 at 18:34nfran227: terrible, awful, horrendous, just like her portfol...
Kasia Pilewicz4196 viewsPhoto: Mike Rosenthal04/03/11 at 18:33nfran227: why the hell was she called 5th?! this is like bot...
Kasia Pilewicz3726 viewsPhoto: Troy Jensen04/03/11 at 18:32nfran227: 0/5, nuff said
Kasia Pilewicz4001 viewsPhoto: Baldomero Fernandez04/01/11 at 05:16I♥EvaPigford: Fierce! 0//o She looks like shes in the Go Gos Ban...
Kasia Pilewicz4196 viewsPhoto: Mike Rosenthal03/30/11 at 18:30jano150: agree
Kasia Pilewicz4001 viewsPhoto: Baldomero Fernandez03/29/11 at 01:17jano150: ok, WTF she should it to go home along time ago, ...
Kasia Pilewicz4001 viewsPhoto: Baldomero Fernandez03/27/11 at 04:30xrickyxryuki: You're not alone, aero847. I love her too and...
Kasia Pilewicz4001 viewsPhoto: Baldomero Fernandez03/26/11 at 23:49HAngele12: whats with the mouth constantly open, its like whi...
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