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Sara Blackamore1287 viewsPhoto: Outermost Photographic09/06/14 at 13:150mas: Didn't they give her like dark hair with blea...
Sara Blackamore1287 viewsPhoto: Outermost Photographic08/15/14 at 21:54jericho: Isn't it weird? I cannot remember this girl.
Sara Blackamore1287 viewsPhoto: Outermost Photographic11/30/13 at 19:01Canadagirl1234: Her bone structure is actually pretty fantastic :...
Sara Blackamore1530 viewsPhoto: Outermost Photographic11/30/13 at 19:01Canadagirl1234: Why does she look so different in all of her photo...
Sara Blackamore1287 viewsPhoto: Outermost Photographic02/12/11 at 06:03freddy831: whos this again??
Sara Blackamore1287 viewsPhoto: Outermost Photographic02/06/11 at 15:58xsmscreatorx: Finally something from her
Sara Blackamore1530 viewsPhoto: Outermost Photographic02/02/11 at 15:37spike78127: I don't think it's that bad
Sara Blackamore1530 viewsPhoto: Outermost Photographic02/02/11 at 12:34chungchungxavier: To be 100% HONEST , this is SOOoooooooooo Blahhhh...
Sara Blackamore1287 viewsPhoto: Outermost Photographic02/02/11 at 11:1512xantmx17: ^ I know. I'm not liking these shots, but atl...
Sara Blackamore1530 viewsPhoto: Outermost Photographic02/02/11 at 03:44nzkiwiboy: ^Except that cheek of hers
Sara Blackamore1530 viewsPhoto: Outermost Photographic02/02/11 at 01:42anthonyboii :]: she lost them crazy eyebrows so yayy lol the shot ...