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Cycle Nine Group4045 views38 comments01/16/10 at 22:50purpleamerica7: LOL Bianca and Saleisha are trying to seduce Lisa ...
Cycle Nine Group7056 viewsSaleisha Stowers, Heather Kuzmich

Photo: Mike Rosenthal
97 comments01/13/10 at 19:35: This photo is stunning but definetely not flawless...
Cycle Nine Group8000 viewsMila Bouzinova, Kimberly Leemans, Lisa Jackson, Ambreal Williams, Heather Kuzmich, Chantal Jones, Victoria Marshman, Bianca Golden, Ebony Morgan, Saleisha Stowers, Sarah Hartshorne, Jenah Doucette, Janet Mills47 comments01/11/10 at 20:57tflats: 1-Ebony, 2- Chantal, 3- Lisa, 4- Ambreal, 5- Jenah...
Cycle Nine Group8123 viewsMila Bouzinova, Jenah Doucette, Saleisha Stowers, Ebony Morgan, Sarah Hartshorne, Chantal Jones, Ambreal Williams, Heather Kuzmich, Bianca Golden, Janet Mills, Victoria Marshman, Lisa Jackson, Kimberly Leemans62 comments12/26/09 at 13:07purpleamerica7: My cycle 9 elimination order: 13. Mila x Ebony- El...
Cycle Nine Group11322 viewsChantal Jones, Bianca Golden, Saleisha Stowers, Jenah Doucette

Photo: Tyra Banks
127 comments12/21/09 at 05:45zzjohnnyzz: jenah is the best, she's real winner
Cycle Nine Group7056 viewsSaleisha Stowers, Heather Kuzmich

Photo: Mike Rosenthal
97 comments12/11/09 at 00:33: heather outshined saleisha. saleishas side effect ...
Cycle Nine Group4307 views28 comments12/11/09 at 00:32: sarah looks like kate gosselin
Cycle Nine Group8000 viewsMila Bouzinova, Kimberly Leemans, Lisa Jackson, Ambreal Williams, Heather Kuzmich, Chantal Jones, Victoria Marshman, Bianca Golden, Ebony Morgan, Saleisha Stowers, Sarah Hartshorne, Jenah Doucette, Janet Mills47 comments12/05/09 at 11:54shortstuff04: The Future Of Fashion.
Cycle Nine Group11322 viewsChantal Jones, Bianca Golden, Saleisha Stowers, Jenah Doucette

Photo: Tyra Banks
127 comments12/05/09 at 05:43acgap: Bianca looks like she's stoned. XD
Cycle Nine Group11322 viewsChantal Jones, Bianca Golden, Saleisha Stowers, Jenah Doucette

Photo: Tyra Banks
127 comments11/28/09 at 23:10ANTMforever111: Unlike the other girls, Jenah is actually interact...
Cycle Nine Group7056 viewsSaleisha Stowers, Heather Kuzmich

Photo: Mike Rosenthal
97 comments11/16/09 at 23:07marco: of course that i hater her! LOL
Cycle Nine Group11322 viewsChantal Jones, Bianca Golden, Saleisha Stowers, Jenah Doucette

Photo: Tyra Banks
127 comments10/31/09 at 23:22antmgod: Jenah and Chantal is by far holding this shot toge...
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