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Home > Cycle 9 > Sarah Hartshorne > From the Show

Last comments - From the Show
Sarah Hartshorne6157 viewsPhoto: Matthew Jordan Smith31 comments05/11/08 at 07:43Epochalypse: Once again her legs look great here, her face look...
Sarah Hartshorne6005 viewsPhoto: Mike Rosenthal27 comments05/11/08 at 07:42Epochalypse: I love this photo, she is working those legs and h...
Sarah Hartshorne3844 views21 comments05/11/08 at 07:40Epochalypse: She looks great in this photo, her body proportion...
Sarah Hartshorne8225 viewsPhoto: Fredric Reshew73 comments05/05/08 at 01:39zib: this pic is fine, but every time i look at it im f...
Sarah Hartshorne9174 viewsPhoto: Lionel Deluy82 comments05/04/08 at 12:08xaxatun: She is better than WHITNEY!
Sarah Hartshorne9174 viewsPhoto: Lionel Deluy82 comments05/04/08 at 06:06mrbam: A true stunner!She really should've made it wa...
Sarah Hartshorne9174 viewsPhoto: Lionel Deluy82 comments04/29/08 at 23:53uncanny: I agree too! She was my favorite along with Jenah ...
Sarah Hartshorne8225 viewsPhoto: Fredric Reshew73 comments04/29/08 at 22:06vanillalatte4: How is she not plus-size??? Shocked
Sarah Hartshorne9174 viewsPhoto: Lionel Deluy82 comments04/29/08 at 22:06vanillalatte4: duckiies..i totally agree. Sad
Sarah Hartshorne8225 viewsPhoto: Fredric Reshew73 comments04/27/08 at 05:42Ssymour: I'm sorry, but if she is plus size, then I am ...
Sarah Hartshorne5744 viewsPhoto: Mike Rosenthal58 comments04/24/08 at 21:12Jaylen: She was never plus size, she just had a little ext...
Sarah Hartshorne6005 viewsPhoto: Mike Rosenthal27 comments04/24/08 at 21:03Jaylen: The leg looks a like a big blah of dough in that d...
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