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Sarah Hartshorne5744 viewsPhoto: Mike Rosenthal12/06/08 at 15:46PerfectionObsession: The cape thingy looks like something a bum would w...
Sarah Hartshorne9174 viewsPhoto: Lionel Deluy12/06/08 at 15:45PerfectionObsession: Overall, it's okay. The ivy seems to be engulf...
Sarah Hartshorne6157 viewsPhoto: Matthew Jordan Smith12/06/08 at 15:44PerfectionObsession: What's with her always flexing her feet like t...
Sarah Hartshorne9174 viewsPhoto: Lionel Deluy11/30/08 at 21:48david18: twop= Television WithOut Pity. a popular reality t...
Sarah Hartshorne9174 viewsPhoto: Lionel Deluy11/30/08 at 21:46Jesse_Dillon: Whats TWOP? But like she comes up EVERYWERE, eve...
Sarah Hartshorne9174 viewsPhoto: Lionel Deluy11/30/08 at 21:42Katarzyna-Jenah-McKey: Whitney hate... is life... lol no seriously its ev...
Sarah Hartshorne9174 viewsPhoto: Lionel Deluy11/30/08 at 21:37Jesse_Dillon: Wow Whitney hate is everywere. I like this shot th...
Sarah Hartshorne5744 viewsPhoto: Mike Rosenthal11/30/08 at 18:44Katarzyna-Jenah-McKey: I actually like this. Its amazing but not exactly ...
Sarah Hartshorne9174 viewsPhoto: Lionel Deluy11/13/08 at 17:07hoorayforlobsters: this is perfection. don't care what anyone say...
Sarah Hartshorne3844 views11/10/08 at 00:39RunFiercely: This is the best pre-show shot ever in ANTM histor...
Sarah Hartshorne8225 viewsPhoto: Fredric Reshew11/05/08 at 07:55Ayy0 Its Jenna: I find it retarded how Sarah was eliminated for be...
Sarah Hartshorne5744 viewsPhoto: Mike Rosenthal10/22/08 at 19:06Katarzyna-Jenah: I agree Babin the face is amazing and she worked t...
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