Last comments - Miscellaneous Photos |
Kortnie Coles992 views09/24/09 at 12:54butteredtoast84: I think her skin looks so much better pale.
Kortnie Coles982 views09/24/09 at 12:54butteredtoast84: She can definitely do beauty shots.
Kortnie Coles784 views09/22/09 at 06:48yaya: love it
Kortnie Coles784 views09/08/09 at 19:02dulcys: hermosa
Kortnie Coles682 views09/02/09 at 08:35Queenmellybee: All I know is she needs a bra to keep the sisters ...
Kortnie Coles992 views09/01/09 at 11:06Laxx96: AMAZING SHOT!!!!!
Kortnie Coles992 views08/30/09 at 02:06longtimefan: Even with the photoshopping, her skin still looks ...
Kortnie Coles992 views08/30/09 at 01:18antmchocholate: They photoshopped it too much D: it looks like a b...
Kortnie Coles992 views08/29/09 at 17:15Jesse_Dillon: I love her eyes. And she has a really nice jawline
Kortnie Coles992 views08/29/09 at 09:18j5s2s095: ^ I feel like that would make her even less modele...
Kortnie Coles784 views08/29/09 at 08:01Lkbnnrmn345: I do like her face here however, not sure why and ...
Kortnie Coles992 views08/29/09 at 07:59Lkbnnrmn345: Btch needs a nose job
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