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Aminat Ayinde2290 views01/30/09 at 04:57RunFiercely: This is Miss Jay.
Aminat Ayinde2290 views01/30/09 at 04:53longtimefan: Oh God! This takes me back to the days where Camil...
Aminat Ayinde2290 viewsPhoto: VzMALA Photography01/30/09 at 00:36joshie1226: i don't know if i like it. but hey AMBREAL!
Aminat Ayinde2573 viewsPhoto: VzMALA Photography01/30/09 at 00:22JQ: that thigh
Aminat Ayinde2573 viewsPhoto: VzMALA Photography01/29/09 at 22:01LaceyVibe: Project Runway's Korto?
Aminat Ayinde2573 viewsPhoto: VzMALA Photography01/29/09 at 19:28stubbornchatterbox: She needs to ditch that afro and get a weace... Bt...
Aminat Ayinde2290 views01/29/09 at 17:44OSHUN-: its good for a preshow.
Aminat Ayinde2573 viewsPhoto: VzMALA Photography01/29/09 at 16:49david18: Not the best angle for her thighs. Or anything els...
Aminat Ayinde2573 viewsPhoto: VzMALA Photography01/29/09 at 16:49RunFiercely: Miss Jay.
Aminat Ayinde2573 viewsPhoto: VzMALA Photography01/29/09 at 16:30david18: Foxy Cleopatra!
Aminat Ayinde2290 views01/29/09 at 16:29david18: Hello, Ambreal.
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