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Home > Cycle 12 > Jessica Santiago > From the Show

Last comments - From the Show
Jessica Santiago8583 views103 comments01/28/09 at 23:38stubbornchatterbox: Tahlia, Her and Kortnie all look plus-size, I was ...
Jessica Santiago8583 views103 comments01/28/09 at 23:00mangotango00: Her pose doesn't properly showcase her body. S...
Jessica Santiago8583 views103 comments01/28/09 at 22:58longtimefan: Yeah she reminds me of a latina Elina. She does lo...
Jessica Santiago8583 views103 comments01/28/09 at 22:08Sophie: I like her. She has a great shape and her eyes are...
Jessica Santiago8583 views103 comments01/28/09 at 21:55Dharren: love her pose but the eyes are dead
Jessica Santiago8583 views103 comments01/28/09 at 21:36euphoria027: She's gorgeous and definitely NOT plus-size......
Jessica Santiago8583 views103 comments01/28/09 at 21:16Starfish: pRETTY.
Jessica Santiago8583 views103 comments01/28/09 at 20:36Katarzyna-Jenah-McKey: She looks like she should be on rock of love. She ...
Jessica Santiago8583 views103 comments01/28/09 at 20:30cheezcake555: She's too mall-rat for my liking.
Jessica Santiago8583 views103 comments01/28/09 at 20:25aero847: She is pretty, but definitely not modelesque!
Jessica Santiago8583 views103 comments01/28/09 at 20:25starburst.: She's gorgeous. Needs to be edged out ASAP. :...
Jessica Santiago8583 views103 comments01/28/09 at 20:19david18: Her right leg looks broken. But I guess contorioni...
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