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Jessica Santiago6803 viewsPhoto: Fadil Berisha05/08/10 at 00:43MystiqueTopModel: In the photo, she seems to handing out autographs.
Jessica Santiago6803 viewsPhoto: Fadil Berisha04/24/10 at 18:178484John: I love this picture!
Jessica Santiago8583 views04/15/10 at 09:09SexyBlackGuy2009: I just looked at this picture, again, and l though...
Jessica Santiago6557 viewsPhoto: Nigel Barker11/07/09 at 01:02dalejr8fan01: She looks like a man!! I can see 80's rocker....
Jessica Santiago5099 views11/07/09 at 01:00dalejr8fan01: She looks stoned
Jessica Santiago6557 viewsPhoto: Nigel Barker10/14/09 at 17:43antmchocholate: Even though this shot wasnt as bad as Tahlia or Am...
Jessica Santiago5099 views09/20/09 at 13:51j5s2s095: I'm not going to sugar-coat this, she looks hi...
Jessica Santiago8583 views09/16/09 at 16:48: ^You want your comment to be "look at me"...
Jessica Santiago8583 views09/16/09 at 16:19KHFan90: I really don't understand you people. "Br...
Jessica Santiago8583 views09/15/09 at 12:52Nedmyr: The squinty eyes are so Natasha C8!
Jessica Santiago6803 viewsPhoto: Fadil Berisha09/03/09 at 22:13McKat: pretty girl,dumb model
Jessica Santiago8583 views08/24/09 at 20:06j5s2s095: I don't like this shot, the pose is weird and ...
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