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Home > Cycle 1 > Adrianne Curry > From the Show

Last comments - From the Show
Adrianne Curry24448 viewsPhoto: Troy Ward119 comments07/16/08 at 21:41Jhg812: Simply beautiful. While it's just under Shanno...
Adrianne Curry16048 viewsPhoto: Barry Hollywood57 comments07/16/08 at 21:39Jhg812: Everything's working well except for the face.
Adrianne Curry17324 viewsPhoto: Douglas Bizarro58 comments07/16/08 at 21:38Jhg812: Good from the waist up.
Adrianne Curry18643 viewsPhoto: Tyra Banks67 comments07/15/08 at 18:33Sophie: I love this shot. I like it alot more than the ori...
Adrianne Curry19838 viewsPhoto: Daniel Garriga68 comments07/15/08 at 18:31Sophie: Love the energy and the fact that she kept her fac...
Adrianne Curry16048 viewsPhoto: Barry Hollywood57 comments07/15/08 at 18:29Sophie: She looks cold...
Adrianne Curry17324 viewsPhoto: Douglas Bizarro58 comments07/15/08 at 18:28Sophie: I love this shot. Very kind of comical....I don...
Adrianne Curry24448 viewsPhoto: Troy Ward119 comments07/13/08 at 23:53adrianah7: one of my faves pics in antm, after the one of car...
Adrianne Curry19838 viewsPhoto: Daniel Garriga68 comments07/09/08 at 21:03Unique_Lola1238: i like the shot, but the dude did nothin
Adrianne Curry18643 viewsPhoto: Tyra Banks67 comments07/06/08 at 21:58Michelle&AmandaBabin: lmao ya. What's up with Adrianne and her four ...
Adrianne Curry21210 viewsPhoto: Patrick Katzman70 comments07/06/08 at 21:54Michelle&AmandaBabin: They're both great, but the other one's be...
Adrianne Curry21601 viewsPhoto: Patrick Katzman61 comments07/06/08 at 21:53Michelle&AmandaBabin: Best picture in ANTM history!
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