Last comments - From the Show |
April Wilkner4141 views10/26/08 at 18:20Mycatjewel: Why do they have these shots?
April Wilkner3578 views10/26/08 at 18:19Mycatjewel: Bad pose.
April Wilkner3747 views10/26/08 at 18:19Mycatjewel: Pretty weak for her.
April Wilkner9757 viewsPhoto: Ché Graham10/26/08 at 18:19Mycatjewel: Love the pose, but where is she?
April Wilkner12316 viewsPhoto: Richard Dean10/26/08 at 18:18Mycatjewel: Amazing. I love her feet. I love that her face is ...
April Wilkner9716 viewsPhoto: Andrew Eccles10/26/08 at 18:17Mycatjewel: Nice shot for her. But Catherine Zeta Jones doesn&...
April Wilkner12412 viewsPhoto: George Holz10/26/08 at 18:17Mycatjewel: April was unbelievable. This cycle had the best to...
April Wilkner10985 viewsPhoto: Bill Heuberger10/26/08 at 18:16Mycatjewel: She looks like Shota Matsuda (he's cute, so it...
April Wilkner11937 viewsPhoto: Massimo Costoli10/26/08 at 18:16Mycatjewel: Love it. April was a MODEL!
April Wilkner3913 views10/16/08 at 17:54shyho: she was the best asian top model on the show she w...
April Wilkner10985 viewsPhoto: Bill Heuberger10/14/08 at 18:45Michelle&AmandaBabin: ^Understatement, this is AMAZING!
April Wilkner10985 viewsPhoto: Bill Heuberger10/14/08 at 18:43harmony112: beautiful
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