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Anna Bradfield3772 views02/16/09 at 14:57divalicious4: plus sized? how? she looks way smaller than any ot...
Anna Bradfield4566 views02/16/09 at 14:56divalicious4: beautiful eyes, beautiful lips...wish we got to se...
Anna Bradfield3772 views02/01/09 at 04:15Who_Will_Be_ANTM: I love the shape of her body here
Anna Bradfield3303 views01/31/09 at 16:27kandykaine: she doesnt seem plus sized to me
Anna Bradfield3303 views01/09/09 at 12:35chris_19: she is a pretty WOMAN! i see a mom here
Anna Bradfield4566 views10/26/08 at 18:15Mycatjewel: She had some nice lips.
Anna Bradfield3772 views10/26/08 at 18:15Mycatjewel: ^ Maybe because Yoanna is taller.
Anna Bradfield2597 views10/26/08 at 18:15Mycatjewel: She could have done well in the first shoot if she...
Anna Bradfield2387 views10/26/08 at 18:14Mycatjewel: Cute.
Anna Bradfield3303 views10/26/08 at 18:14Mycatjewel: Deserved to go.
Anna Bradfield3303 views10/14/08 at 12:44Michelle&AmandaBabin: IMO she had the most potential of the plus-sized m...
Anna Bradfield3303 views10/14/08 at 10:45f1erce.: i know, she did have the best pre show pics the ot...