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Home > Cycle 3 > Toccara Jones > Print Work

Last comments - Print Work
Toccara Jones2602 viewsFor: Black Men, December/January 200612 comments12/16/08 at 02:34Rizka: Totally hugh boobs! But the tummy looks flat?! :s...
Toccara Jones5401 viewsPhoto: Steven Meisel
For: Vogue Italia, July 2008
17 comments12/14/08 at 14:29Glamorous: I was so proud when I saw these. Toccara and Eugen...
Toccara Jones6128 viewsPhoto: Steven Meisel
For: Vogue Italia, July 2008
23 comments12/14/08 at 14:28Glamorous: Favorite picture of her Vogue Italia. Nice...
Toccara Jones5401 viewsPhoto: Steven Meisel
For: Vogue Italia, July 2008
17 comments12/13/08 at 06:11mrbam: Now that is a true "plus sized' top model...
Toccara Jones1473 viewsFor: Rocawear2 comments12/11/08 at 21:28Jesse_Dillon: This is stunning
Toccara Jones5401 viewsPhoto: Steven Meisel
For: Vogue Italia, July 2008
17 comments12/06/08 at 10:43MoreThanThis93: Laughing Laughing The man on the left looks like he'...
Toccara Jones1977 viewsPhoto: Howard Huang
For: Smooth
3 comments12/04/08 at 01:26aero847: Uh . . . what is up with the face?
Toccara Jones2602 viewsFor: Black Men, December/January 200612 comments12/04/08 at 01:25aero847: Uh, quadruple Z's (bra)? Shocked The face loo...
Toccara Jones2937 views13 comments11/30/08 at 20:53Jesse_Dillon: Wow thats flattering
Toccara Jones2937 views13 comments11/30/08 at 20:46youllseemeontv: OMG. This made me LOL. Hahahahahaha.
Toccara Jones6321 viewsPhoto: Steven Meisel
For: Vogue Italia, July 2008
52 comments11/23/08 at 15:53endiebaybie91: well iimean iirather her represent the rather than...
Toccara Jones5227 viewsPhoto: Steven Meisel
For: Vogue Italia, July 2008
19 comments11/23/08 at 15:07Mycatjewel: Her career is going to be great now.
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