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Home > Cycle 3 > Eva Pigford > From the Show

Last comments - From the Show
Eva Pigford13279 viewsPhoto: Ryu Tamagawa61 comments01/06/09 at 03:35Who_Will_Be_ANTM: I would have called her first this week. this is t...
Eva Pigford10094 viewsPhoto: Takashi Miesaki28 comments01/05/09 at 20:04Camera+Me=Adrenaline Rush: MAB Ann had too many chances so she should've ...
Eva Pigford15574 viewsPhoto: Bill Diodato88 comments01/05/09 at 05:02K-A-T-Y: Fierce but Yaya's is better.
Eva Pigford4945 views15 comments01/04/09 at 01:57david18: Someone got dressed in the dark. And got a haircut...
Eva Pigford4945 views15 comments01/04/09 at 01:50Jayy: Lol @ The "Barney The Dinosaur" colors.
Eva Pigford10083 viewsPhoto: Sascha Pflaeging40 comments01/02/09 at 01:17shshyabrbrdacajasawhsa: i love the over the top black and white movie type...
Eva Pigford9154 views53 comments12/27/08 at 00:26lighter2darker: they looks gorgeous n pretty . but i dont like tyr...
Eva Pigford9154 views53 comments12/27/08 at 00:19Jesse_Dillon: Tyra is GORGEOUSS in this shot
Eva Pigford13279 viewsPhoto: Ryu Tamagawa61 comments12/17/08 at 11:05Inspired: agree with the 'fuzzies' this is just so i...
Eva Pigford13279 viewsPhoto: Ryu Tamagawa61 comments12/15/08 at 20:25MoreThanThis93: Her torso looks a little off to me. But that's...
Eva Pigford11206 viewsPhoto: Davide36 comments12/13/08 at 21:08longtimefan: Why are these shots all so cropped, they weren'...
Eva Pigford13279 viewsPhoto: Ryu Tamagawa61 comments12/13/08 at 18:25zib: I completely agree. I thought this was the best co...
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