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Home > Cycle 4 > Tiffany Richardson > From the Show

Last comments - From the Show
Tiffany Richardson4608 viewsPhoto: Delaney & Gitte23 comments05/03/09 at 14:16: Sleepy native american Laughing
Tiffany Richardson6556 viewsPhoto: Tracy Bayne50 comments05/03/09 at 14:16: Not a huge fan of the face, but I like the pose.
Tiffany Richardson5743 viewsPhoto: Danielle Levitt43 comments05/03/09 at 14:15: I like this shot, I guess. Not the best but one of...
Tiffany Richardson4503 views43 comments05/03/09 at 14:15: This is the best Tiffany's face ever looked.
Tiffany Richardson4511 viewsPhoto: Nigel Barker36 comments05/03/09 at 14:14: Flawless legs. From the waist up, I don't like...
Tiffany Richardson6556 viewsPhoto: Tracy Bayne50 comments05/03/09 at 00:58Who_Will_Be_ANTM: I don't understand why Tyra liked her so much ...
Tiffany Richardson5427 viewsPhoto: Kwaku Alston35 comments04/10/09 at 13:01Michelle&AmandaBabin: I'm half and half on her, but this is one of t...
Tiffany Richardson5427 viewsPhoto: Kwaku Alston35 comments04/10/09 at 12:54Costaricafashion: Right, she showed potential, the she just wasted i...
Tiffany Richardson5427 viewsPhoto: Kwaku Alston35 comments04/10/09 at 12:47coreypanda: I liked Tiffany a lot but I think Tyra had the rig...
Tiffany Richardson6556 viewsPhoto: Tracy Bayne50 comments03/19/09 at 18:30Yukie: i think tiffany had a good chance at winning if sh...
Tiffany Richardson5743 viewsPhoto: Danielle Levitt43 comments03/05/09 at 11:30Michelle&AmandaBabin: Haha David should totally have a spin off series. ...
Tiffany Richardson5743 viewsPhoto: Danielle Levitt43 comments03/05/09 at 09:52juicyp: @ david18 T-MOBILE BARS.....I LOVE IT!!! LOL. wa...
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