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Home > Cycle 4 > Sarah Dankelman > From the Show

Last comments - From the Show
Sarah Dankelman4362 viewsPhoto: Nigel Barker19 comments09/05/08 at 18:58Katarzyna-Jenah: this is fantabulous. I wonder why she was called s...
Sarah Dankelman2728 views9 comments08/26/08 at 16:21LaLoLu: She looks old...
Sarah Dankelman4841 viewsPhoto: Danielle Levitt39 comments07/30/08 at 10:48Michelle&AmandaBabin: 165789309, I'm sorry to say this, but I would&...
Sarah Dankelman4841 viewsPhoto: Danielle Levitt39 comments07/29/08 at 19:48Jhg812: No. Bad face, bad hair, bad pose. No.
Sarah Dankelman3827 views21 comments07/29/08 at 19:47Jhg812: This haircut reminds me of Sarah (cycle 9); also, ...
Sarah Dankelman4362 viewsPhoto: Nigel Barker19 comments07/29/08 at 19:46Jhg812: She looks like an alien. But it's icky. For so...
Sarah Dankelman3827 views21 comments07/17/08 at 03:45androidastig: i lurrvvreee the tattoo.. so cool
Sarah Dankelman4841 viewsPhoto: Danielle Levitt39 comments07/17/08 at 00:41Heartbeat_Rock: hideous runway Sad
Sarah Dankelman4362 viewsPhoto: Nigel Barker19 comments07/16/08 at 23:49165789309: It is very good. They should have kept her a littl...
Sarah Dankelman4841 viewsPhoto: Danielle Levitt39 comments07/16/08 at 23:49165789309: Lol the guy in the back is quite cute. Sarah's...
Sarah Dankelman2728 views9 comments07/15/08 at 19:44Michelle&AmandaBabin: Her face is very sexy and her body is good here, b...
Sarah Dankelman4841 viewsPhoto: Danielle Levitt39 comments07/15/08 at 19:43Michelle&AmandaBabin: The body is very stiff and uninspirational, but th...
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