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Sarah Dankelman4362 viewsPhoto: Nigel Barker12/15/13 at 17:11Canadagirl1234: Mehhh, I like it but I don't like her
Sarah Dankelman4841 viewsPhoto: Danielle Levitt12/15/13 at 17:10Canadagirl1234: Bye! I'd tell her to walk on out of here but ...
Sarah Dankelman4841 viewsPhoto: Danielle Levitt05/15/12 at 02:58NikkySan: One of the worst and least memorable contestants e...
Sarah Dankelman3017 views09/07/11 at 19:43NikkySan: Man, I hated this stupid bitch. I wish Lady Kat ma...
Sarah Dankelman4841 viewsPhoto: Danielle Levitt08/07/11 at 19:52Aerial: In the close-up she looks older than she is and th...
Sarah Dankelman4362 viewsPhoto: Nigel Barker08/07/11 at 19:49Aerial: Stiff and tense. So unattractive. Should have been...
Sarah Dankelman3827 views01/18/11 at 22:35Bellhop36: why did they flip the picture when everyone knows ...
Sarah Dankelman4841 viewsPhoto: Danielle Levitt01/15/11 at 15:31coldgreenwater: One of the worst contestants ever........
Sarah Dankelman4841 viewsPhoto: Danielle Levitt11/12/10 at 21:41spike78127: ....who is she?
Sarah Dankelman4362 viewsPhoto: Nigel Barker07/11/10 at 06:15_streetcar_: yeah, too stiff, i wish she had tilted her head ba...
Sarah Dankelman3827 views07/07/10 at 05:43Fresubin: I wonder why her tattoo has changed the place^^
Sarah Dankelman4362 viewsPhoto: Nigel Barker06/14/10 at 17:08Nabil: Its good...but STIFF!!