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Last comments - From the Show
Whitney Thompson12457 views117 comments01/28/09 at 12:21Jesse_Dillon: I think dark hair would help. But i think she is c...
Whitney Thompson17521 viewsPhoto: Mike Rosenthal157 comments01/28/09 at 12:09Michelle&AmandaBabin: ^I don't even remember the shoots. I just rand...
Whitney Thompson17521 viewsPhoto: Mike Rosenthal157 comments01/28/09 at 12:07RunFiercely: Yeah, M&B, the frame is kind of demonic. But a...
Whitney Thompson17521 viewsPhoto: Mike Rosenthal157 comments01/28/09 at 12:04Michelle&AmandaBabin: @Run, Fatima produced an amazing shot at the end. ...
Whitney Thompson17521 viewsPhoto: Mike Rosenthal157 comments01/28/09 at 12:02RunFiercely: LOL you guys I was talking about Fatima not Xiomar...
Whitney Thompson17521 viewsPhoto: Mike Rosenthal157 comments01/28/09 at 12:01Mycatjewel: I am the walrus. Coo coo catchoo...Anyone get the ...
Whitney Thompson12457 views117 comments01/28/09 at 12:01Michelle&AmandaBabin: ^Its not just that. She just doesn't look like...
Whitney Thompson17521 viewsPhoto: Mike Rosenthal157 comments01/28/09 at 12:00Michelle&AmandaBabin: ^XIOMARA Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing ... Anyway, I ...
Whitney Thompson12457 views117 comments01/28/09 at 11:59Jesse_Dillon: Well duh, shes the only plus sized girl they repre...
Whitney Thompson15578 viewsPhoto: Peter Buckingham144 comments01/28/09 at 11:59Michelle&AmandaBabin: @Jesse, she lost awareness of everything while pos...
Whitney Thompson17521 viewsPhoto: Mike Rosenthal157 comments01/28/09 at 11:58RunFiercely: I loved the pictures of her smiling. It's bett...
Whitney Thompson17521 viewsPhoto: Mike Rosenthal157 comments01/28/09 at 11:57Michelle&AmandaBabin: I'm not a fan of Whitney, but I like this shot...
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