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Home > Cycle 5 > Lisa D'Amato > From the Show

Last comments - From the Show
Lisa D'Amato11972 viewsPhoto: Craig de Cristo70 comments08/16/08 at 13:33davew18: This could have been an ad RIGHT NOW. Just throw t...
Lisa D'Amato7524 viewsPhoto: Richard Dean44 comments08/16/08 at 13:32davew18: Best of this week.
Lisa D'Amato8076 viewsPhoto: Janice Dickinson45 comments08/16/08 at 13:31davew18: She executed this beautifully.
Lisa D'Amato7188 viewsPhoto: Michael Ruiz32 comments08/16/08 at 13:31davew18: MUCH better than Nik's.
Lisa D'Amato8473 viewsPhoto: Nick Maroudias103 comments08/15/08 at 12:32louisacnd: What were they thinking eliminating her? Just beca...
Lisa D'Amato11972 viewsPhoto: Craig de Cristo70 comments08/11/08 at 20:53MoonlightX: Perhaps the only Lisa pic I REALLY like. It's ...
Lisa D'Amato6297 viewsPhoto: Mike Rosenthal19 comments08/08/08 at 15:33Katarzyna-Jenah: Its good but not her best
Lisa D'Amato8076 viewsPhoto: Janice Dickinson45 comments08/08/08 at 15:32Katarzyna-Jenah: Its very elegant. One of the best of the week
Lisa D'Amato7359 views77 comments08/03/08 at 07:28lala123: Looks more Hurt then mad, no neck.
Lisa D'Amato3560 views10 comments08/01/08 at 16:33Jhg812: Ever notice how Lisa was the proto-Amis?
Lisa D'Amato8473 viewsPhoto: Nick Maroudias103 comments08/01/08 at 16:30Jhg812: This was my reaction to this episode (I'll be ...
Lisa D'Amato7189 viewsPhoto: Nadia Pandolfo33 comments08/01/08 at 16:29Jhg812: To say it's a little overdone is an understate...
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