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Home > Cycle 5 > Lisa D'Amato > From the Show

Last comments - From the Show
Lisa D'Amato7524 viewsPhoto: Richard Dean44 comments06/27/09 at 14:35LisaTheDiva: Nice.
Lisa D'Amato7188 viewsPhoto: Michael Ruiz32 comments06/21/09 at 22:08: I love Lisa's poses
Lisa D'Amato5263 views37 comments06/20/09 at 01:25: I think she usually looked so old, no exception he...
Lisa D'Amato7524 viewsPhoto: Richard Dean44 comments06/19/09 at 22:59sparkle: COO was a little effed up, so her is my COO: 1) Li...
Lisa D'Amato7524 viewsPhoto: Richard Dean44 comments06/19/09 at 22:43: BrNTM's response to the Pin-Up shoot -
Lisa D'Amato6297 viewsPhoto: Mike Rosenthal19 comments06/16/09 at 20:22Davinshi: worst of the week ! she shoulda eliminated.
Lisa D'Amato8473 viewsPhoto: Nick Maroudias103 comments06/15/09 at 17:58: sorry about the bias, guys Embarrassed But I think she ...
Lisa D'Amato7359 views77 comments06/15/09 at 17:57: Fragrance ad. I looooove this shot. And I can prou...
Lisa D'Amato7524 viewsPhoto: Richard Dean44 comments06/15/09 at 17:56: Ignore the bias monster comments, please Embarrassed I ...
Lisa D'Amato6802 viewsPhoto: Jason Willheim38 comments06/15/09 at 17:55: If we take away the awful hair, this is cute.
Lisa D'Amato8076 viewsPhoto: Janice Dickinson45 comments06/15/09 at 17:54: I admit, I was being biased Embarrassed . Its very edit...
Lisa D'Amato6297 viewsPhoto: Mike Rosenthal19 comments06/15/09 at 17:53: The only shot of the week that got the movement an...
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