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Leslie Mancia2244 views05/06/09 at 06:28LaLoLu: Bad dragish smile.
Leslie Mancia6213 viewsPhoto: Trevor O'Shana05/03/09 at 16:12: Pose is dead on despite having nothing to do with ...
Leslie Mancia9050 viewsPhoto: Thomas Klementsson05/03/09 at 16:11: This is probably the best of the cycle, but it too...
Leslie Mancia7373 viewsPhoto: Tracy Bayne05/03/09 at 16:11: Great legs, but the more I go up, the less I like ...
Leslie Mancia4901 viewsPhoto: Richard Reinsdorf05/03/09 at 16:10: Now THIS is fresh out of a playboy. Too much.
Leslie Mancia4400 views05/03/09 at 16:10: She's gorgeous, but I feel she is so generic.
Leslie Mancia5088 viewsPhoto: Pascal Demeester05/03/09 at 16:09: Pedestrian/blank. And her hands look like ET hands...
Leslie Mancia9050 viewsPhoto: Thomas Klementsson05/02/09 at 00:08kuroyuki: this shot is awesome...this was back when tyra rea...
Leslie Mancia9050 viewsPhoto: Thomas Klementsson04/09/09 at 22:27j5s2s095: I have them for everybody, I posted them, but they...
Leslie Mancia9050 viewsPhoto: Thomas Klementsson04/04/09 at 12:34david18: Wow. Where'd you find that?
Leslie Mancia9050 viewsPhoto: Thomas Klementsson04/04/09 at 12:28j5s2s095: Tai, I think you should use the full shots like th...
Leslie Mancia2244 views03/29/09 at 14:27patdabaker: Easy and breezy! Would have loved to see a covergi...
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