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Home > Cycle 6 > Leslie Mancia > From the Show

Last comments - From the Show
Leslie Mancia2694 views21 comments06/29/08 at 19:48Sophie: She is one of my favorite contestants ever. So gor...
Leslie Mancia7373 viewsPhoto: Tracy Bayne45 comments06/28/08 at 17:59jon63: She was called so late because of her walk and bec...
Leslie Mancia2694 views21 comments06/28/08 at 17:57jon63: I'm really proud of her being a model now, sh...
Leslie Mancia5088 viewsPhoto: Pascal Demeester48 comments06/28/08 at 17:53jon63: I absolutely love Jaslene BUT i think Leslie is pr...
Leslie Mancia6213 viewsPhoto: Trevor O'Shana50 comments06/28/08 at 14:57Ben: Brooke had like 1 good picture. Leslie should have...
Leslie Mancia5088 viewsPhoto: Pascal Demeester48 comments06/21/08 at 12:38louisacnd: I think that Leslie and Jaslene are both exception...
Leslie Mancia9050 viewsPhoto: Thomas Klementsson68 comments06/06/08 at 23:12ChaChaDiva101: I Just Noticed That She Did That Same Hand Angle O...
Leslie Mancia4400 views21 comments06/06/08 at 22:34bornnnyc123: lovely
Leslie Mancia2694 views21 comments06/06/08 at 22:16bornnnyc123: stunning girl with great pics but a bit boring per...
Leslie Mancia2694 views21 comments06/06/08 at 07:27TaiOfMine: Agreed with both of you. She's my all time fav...
Leslie Mancia4400 views21 comments06/06/08 at 01:32beckett33: she's sooooooo damn beautiful
Leslie Mancia2694 views21 comments06/06/08 at 01:28beckett33: One of the most beautiful girls ever on the show. ...
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