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Kathy Hoxit2709 viewsPhoto: Shon D. Photography06/15/09 at 19:13Eat-Your-HeartOut-Tyra: ^I agree her look is strong, but she looked nothin...
Kathy Hoxit2820 viewsPhoto: Shon D. Photography06/15/09 at 18:22: This is beyond gorgeous
Kathy Hoxit2709 viewsPhoto: Shon D. Photography06/15/09 at 18:18: Kathy should've been top 3 tbh. Her look was v...
Kathy Hoxit2709 viewsPhoto: Shon D. Photography05/05/09 at 19:17kuroyuki: the haircolor's a bit odd, but everything else...
Kathy Hoxit2820 viewsPhoto: Shon D. Photography05/03/09 at 20:43andymenne555: Fierce
Kathy Hoxit2891 viewsPhoto: Shon D. Photography05/03/09 at 20:41andymenne555: Country Couture!!! She has true potential
Kathy Hoxit1886 viewsPhoto: Shon D. Photography05/03/09 at 20:37andymenne555: I love it
Kathy Hoxit1697 viewsPhoto: Shon D. Photography05/03/09 at 04:00longtimefan: Wow!
Kathy Hoxit2891 viewsPhoto: Shon D. Photography04/29/09 at 17:41j5s2s095: Reminds me so much of the Wizard of Oz
Kathy Hoxit1697 viewsPhoto: Shon D. Photography04/20/09 at 20:18Eat-Your-HeartOut-Tyra: I love this, had she brought this to the show I wo...
Kathy Hoxit1488 viewsPhoto: Shon D. Photography04/07/09 at 15:46topmodel6: u cannt tell its her
Kathy Hoxit1763 viewsPhoto: Shon D. Photography03/31/09 at 17:24LaLoLu: The dress makes her look bigger then she is...
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