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Dominique Reighard847 viewsPhoto: Manny Roman04/25/10 at 17:39ineedamodelchick: finally she got rid of that blonde this...
Dominique Reighard847 viewsPhoto: Manny Roman04/25/10 at 13:53FashionFatale: I don't see the photoshop here really
Dominique Reighard882 viewsPhoto: Manny Roman04/25/10 at 12:31gridd: She looks like Jade and like a Lion (in the good w...
Dominique Reighard847 viewsPhoto: Manny Roman04/25/10 at 12:30gridd: Her face is finally soft!
Dominique Reighard729 viewsPhoto: Manny Roman04/25/10 at 02:05amashiro07: She looks like Stephanie from Survivor hehe
Dominique Reighard729 viewsPhoto: Manny Roman04/25/10 at 01:40Backlad11: Love this photographer.
Dominique Reighard715 viewsPhoto: Manny Roman04/25/10 at 01:39Backlad11: I love the curly hair on her! Why didn't I thi...
Dominique Reighard715 viewsPhoto: Manny Roman04/24/10 at 23:26: She still looks terrible. She just doesn't hav...
Dominique Reighard847 viewsPhoto: Manny Roman04/24/10 at 22:02tflats: Love this.
Dominique Reighard715 viewsPhoto: Manny Roman04/24/10 at 21:30puppetmasters21: Holy crap. Who knew.
Dominique Reighard729 viewsPhoto: Manny Roman04/24/10 at 16:29fairflanks: This is probably the first shot of Dom that I'...
Dominique Reighard729 viewsPhoto: Manny Roman04/24/10 at 16:02SexyBlackGuy2009: They photoshopped the harshness out of her face, b...
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