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Home > Cycle 7 > Christian Evans > From the Show

Last comments - From the Show
Christian Evans2376 views12 comments12/13/08 at 08:4294ayd: Kinda good...
Christian Evans2591 views14 comments12/13/08 at 08:4194ayd: She's very boring.
Christian Evans4836 viewsPhoto: Oliver Bronson & Dylan Don27 comments12/13/08 at 08:4194ayd: The boringgest competetor ever.
Christian Evans4836 viewsPhoto: Oliver Bronson & Dylan Don27 comments12/02/08 at 19:17Glamorous: She looks so stiff and forced. At least good effor...
Christian Evans2591 views14 comments12/02/08 at 19:16Glamorous: Major potential. Christian was cut too early.
Christian Evans2376 views12 comments12/02/08 at 19:15Glamorous: Boring as hell. She looked like a model though.
Christian Evans2591 views14 comments11/23/08 at 22:34Reivaj: she sucks
Christian Evans2591 views14 comments11/08/08 at 19:23f1erce.: Gorgeous.
Christian Evans2376 views12 comments10/23/08 at 19:16Mycatjewel: Weak.
Christian Evans2591 views14 comments10/23/08 at 19:16Mycatjewel: Weak.
Christian Evans4836 viewsPhoto: Oliver Bronson & Dylan Don27 comments10/23/08 at 19:16Mycatjewel: Bad. Bad. BAD!
Christian Evans2591 views14 comments08/24/08 at 18:37comradesnarky: She's pretty but I hate this hair. It would ha...
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