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Home > Cycle 7 > Anchal Joseph > From the Show

Last comments - From the Show
Anchal Joseph8585 viewsPhoto: Oliver Bronson & Dylan Don41 comments07/24/08 at 16:54LaLoLu: It's a good shot, but she didn't really do...
Anchal Joseph6391 views27 comments07/24/08 at 16:53LaLoLu: ^It's your computer. Best makeover shot in the...
Anchal Joseph10066 viewsPhoto: Tracy Bayne65 comments07/24/08 at 16:52LaLoLu: Best of the week.
Anchal Joseph6972 viewsPhoto: Mike Rosenthal30 comments07/24/08 at 16:52LaLoLu: Nice picture, but not what the judges asked for.
Anchal Joseph6673 viewsPhoto: Matthew Jordan Smith34 comments07/24/08 at 16:51LaLoLu: The StedMan Shot Deserves The Worst Styling Award ...
Anchal Joseph8585 viewsPhoto: Oliver Bronson & Dylan Don41 comments07/19/08 at 19:05MikeNike12293: shes noy good shes ugly Laughing
Anchal Joseph6391 views27 comments07/18/08 at 09:11Yoshilover: Is it just my computer, or are these pics really d...
Anchal Joseph5866 viewsPhoto: Charlie Altuna24 comments07/18/08 at 02:19Sophie: How lovely...
Anchal Joseph8509 viewsPhoto: Tyra Banks39 comments07/17/08 at 07:08theo_rodriguez: My favorite shot out of all the girls who did this...
Anchal Joseph10066 viewsPhoto: Tracy Bayne65 comments07/17/08 at 03:50androidastig: this is actually my fave of the shoot.. there just...
Anchal Joseph8585 viewsPhoto: Oliver Bronson & Dylan Don41 comments07/17/08 at 01:06Heartbeat_Rock: they are supposed to be different Shocked
Anchal Joseph4776 views17 comments07/16/08 at 23:01darefron: i agree for too much photoshop, it makes her like ...
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