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Chris Hernandez3201 viewsPhoto: Matthew Jordan Smith03/21/16 at 16:53Jerrrrmaaayyy: Love IT!!
Chris Hernandez1562 views11/30/13 at 20:11iLoveKatarzyna: now this is hot.
Chris Hernandez2679 viewsPhoto: Yu Tsai11/30/13 at 20:11iLoveKatarzyna: eww, he looks ridiculously old here.
Chris Hernandez3085 viewsPhoto: Jez Smith11/30/13 at 20:10iLoveKatarzyna: this is really, really good...maybe that's be...
Chris Hernandez2525 viewsPhoto: Lennette Newel11/30/13 at 20:09iLoveKatarzyna: this is literally the worst makeup this show ever ...
Chris Hernandez3201 viewsPhoto: Matthew Jordan Smith11/30/13 at 20:08iLoveKatarzyna: i didn't even watch this season, so i have no...
Chris Hernandez2836 viewsPhoto: Udo11/30/13 at 20:06iLoveKatarzyna: face is a bit dead, but the rest looks good.
Chris Hernandez2984 viewsPhoto: Franco Lacosta 11/30/13 at 20:06iLoveKatarzyna: i think this is really good! one of the better one...
Chris Hernandez3085 viewsPhoto: Jez Smith11/15/13 at 18:26mazhar: FIERCE !!!
Chris Hernandez2984 viewsPhoto: Franco Lacosta 11/15/13 at 18:23mazhar: Those people who don't like this pic can leav...
Chris Hernandez3201 viewsPhoto: Matthew Jordan Smith11/15/13 at 18:20mazhar: Go away then, if you don't like it. He was de...
Chris Hernandez3085 viewsPhoto: Jez Smith11/13/13 at 16:48quaxo: The best of the bunch.