I have neither myspace or facebook (my friend wantem to get one though...) But as I've mentioned before I have a deviantart account. And a photo of me from Halloween this year is on there as my ID (I look SO possessed in it! And if anyone does see it, remember twas Halloween!) My name is MycatJewel .deviantart. com (you know not to use spaces obviously)
Haha, I look at Whitney's picture at it says 170 comments, and I am like, "Yeah, it's popular!" Then, I look at the comments and they are all of David and Jesse fighting.
i have a facebook, but its on private so none of you guys can see my bazillion pics hahaha thats why im not joining all-antm next top model because who knows whose looking at those pics hahaha
^ No, they mean there are creeps out there. Which ran through my mind on posting my own photos, but I'm not scared beacuse on deviantart its about the art. They aren't major creeps. (Although a guy from Turkey creeped me out by being the only one to favor my photo, especially since he faves sexy girl pictures...and the irony of a Turk likeing an Armenian such as myself was huge!)
Its okk i guess..... wow out of everything that has been said on here that was the FIRSt thing that actually kinda hurt my feelings. But i have like 1189 friends on my myspace, so its not really a "personal" acount at all. But i dont add people over a certain age.
I have VERY little ANTM stuff.