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Whitney Thompson
For: Fashion Bug

Whitney Thompson

For: Fashion Bug

[MetroStyle]_Whitney02.jpg Whitney92.jpg Whitney92~0.jpg Whitney93.jpg Whitney94.jpg

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RunFiercely   [Dec 09, 2008 at 04:55 PM]
I actually do agree with a less severe version of what david18 is saying. I don't think that Whitney eats cupcakes all day, but the majority of the thin models today ARE technically healthy.
Jesse_Dillon   [Dec 09, 2008 at 04:57 PM]
Im not saying they arent "healthy" just sayin they still have to work harder than a plus sized girl to keep there figures.
david18   [Dec 09, 2008 at 04:58 PM]
anorexia has ugly side effects. your hair falls out, your skin becomes ugly, your eyes get dull, and bullemic victims get ugly mouths. all things a grand majority of models won't risk and that will strain their career.
RunFiercely   [Dec 09, 2008 at 10:33 PM]
Valentino uses voluptuous girls sometimes. Not necessarily plus size, but they aren't super skinny.
mrbam   [Dec 10, 2008 at 11:18 PM]
She looks hot in that runway pic but the face IS pretty haughty.
RunFiercely   [Dec 10, 2008 at 11:24 PM]
Haughty is fashionable.
mrbam   [Dec 10, 2008 at 11:37 PM]
Haughty can be fashionable if done right.However after so many of her overtly cocky articles and interviews and hammy performances,that's what is projected to me on her face,cocky and hammy, whenever she does that kind of face with attitude so I kinda get what david18 meant,that's just me.
Jesse_Dillon   [Dec 10, 2008 at 11:39 PM]
Rolling Eyes I just think its fierce. Cool
david18   [Dec 11, 2008 at 08:42 AM]
i totally smell the ham. it's been cooking too long, though. time to give the burnt scraps to the dogs.
Jesse_Dillon   [Dec 11, 2008 at 06:02 PM]
david18   [Dec 11, 2008 at 06:07 PM]
^she's modeling in a dog magazine soon.
Jesse_Dillon   [Dec 11, 2008 at 06:09 PM]
With her doggie Smile Smile Smile. Quit trying to degrade her please. good lord.
david18   [Dec 11, 2008 at 06:12 PM]
forgive me for not knowing she has a dog.
Jesse_Dillon   [Dec 11, 2008 at 06:19 PM]
Yess, it was on the Tyra show when they had the C10 reunion.
david18   [Dec 11, 2008 at 06:27 PM]
i didn't see it for lack of kat, anya, and allison.
Katarzyna-Jenah-McKey   [Dec 11, 2008 at 06:30 PM]
redsoxrule794   [Dec 11, 2008 at 06:39 PM]
wow whitneys face looks TERRIBLE here!! it just looks really really really wierd.... and the color of her face is completely different than the rest of her... strangeeee and yeah i didnt watch the c10 reunion because kat anya and allison (3 of my 4 favs) werent there...... =/
yenegonrocks   [Dec 11, 2008 at 07:01 PM]
Anyone gonna watch 2012? END OF THE WORLD!
killa   [Dec 11, 2008 at 07:02 PM]
imma watch the movie. The question is, do you think the mayans are right that the world will be ending??
david18   [Dec 11, 2008 at 07:04 PM]
CHRISTMAS IS COMING! the only time of the year when you can use the restroom at supermarkets and not get annoyed by the music, because it's christmas carols! Surprised

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