^For the record, flaming includes: Name calling, "shut up", "get over it", "be quiet", "case closed", "the end", and any inflammatory comments that may cross the line between discussion and flaming (such as, attacking another users family/morals/etc).
^The end is just as bad as STFU or anything similar. And its out of Eres's authority to make someone stop posting just because they don't agree with him/her.
^Well... Just try to tone it down a notch next time then. And no one said you HAVE to like Celia, but just because someone defends her doesn't mean they're staging a personal attack against those who don't.
things i mess while my internet is down. no more "the end" or anything along that lines, everything posted here is open for a civil discussion and if a discussion is not ending then just stop posting in it.
I like that she has thick skin when it comes to critique. She absorbs constructive criticism and works with it. This picture is great and even Tyra admitted that it saved her. I applaud Celia for standing up for what she believed in and it defitnely took a lot of courage to do that. Overall I think that she bounced back after two so-so weeks and she deserved to stay.
Beautiful face, too bad its TEAL! XD And she did NOT deserve the bottom two for what she did, but I knew Tyra being Tyra would hold it against her. I guess its true that standing up for that you feel is right can have a price.
Copied and pasted from the site rules.