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Tahlia Brookins

Tahlia Brookins

[ANTM]_Tahlia01.jpg [ANTM]_Tahlia02.jpg [ANTM]_Tahlia03.jpg [ANTM]_Tahlia04.jpg [ANTM]_Tahlia05_(Nigel_Barker).jpg

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CLove117   [Feb 19, 2009 at 07:31 PM]
She looks very commercial. And I'm not feeling either pic that is up her of her.
Michelle&AmandaBabin   [Feb 19, 2009 at 07:35 PM]
I don't even see commercial in her. All I see is a woman who will probably never be a model Embarrassed
  [Feb 22, 2009 at 03:07 PM]
She looks old and and ugly in this picture and in the group shot, but in the casting she looked GORGEUS!!! and warhol can't be more right, I see her in the B2 with a terrible pic getting a 2nd chance for her story, her story is really touching and she is incredibly nice, but sadly having a heartbraking story and a incredible personality dont make you a model. I think the only way your personality affects you in modelling is if you are a REAL pain in the ass. Being the sweetest wont help you if your portfolio is just ok.
Starfish   [Feb 24, 2009 at 05:06 PM]
Here is how i want this cycle to unwrap:
13) Tahlia (pretty, but not a model, has bad body size and scars)
12) Kortnie (plus-sized and not that amazing)
11) Aminat (great body, face not so great))
10)Isabella (cute but nothing special)
9) London (she looks too big and too short and I don't feel like she wants this)
Cool Nijah (I see potential but not as much as the remaining girls)
7)Jessica (stunning face but she is too thick and too short i think)
6)Fo (very pretty but not a lot of potential as remaining girls)
5) Celia (too old in person despite good pictures)
4) Teyona (great face but I don't know yet)
Final three: Natalie, Allison, and Sandra. Anyone of them winning would make me happy.
sam'sboyfriend   [Feb 24, 2009 at 07:00 PM]
she looks much better than this.
david18   [Feb 24, 2009 at 07:07 PM]
Her face is nice, but her body is hideous.
Jesse_Dillon   [Feb 24, 2009 at 07:12 PM]
^Hideous how?
david18   [Feb 24, 2009 at 07:46 PM]
You're SERIOUSLY asking that? Geez, jesse.

NO ONE is going to hire someone who:
1). Has no bellybutton:

2.) Has frumpy, stumpy, lumpy legs:

3.) Has slabs of fat in odd places.

4.) Has SEVERE BURNS! It goes against everything modeling is about! It's probably the only profession in the world where you're paid to be clean-cut and smooth. What's next?! A girl who thinks her pimples make her beautiful? It's THAT ridiculous.

Yes, the girl has suffered a traumatic situation that no one should have to go through, but that doesn't mean that people should pity her and fool her into thinking that she has a chance in this industry. The only thing that can come out is her getting her heart broken when she goes out into the real world, and rightly so.

I feel I've been a bit harsher than I should have, but it's best that I make it clear.
Dustin   [Feb 24, 2009 at 08:37 PM]
Tahlia is a pretty girl, and that's it. Her story is sad but with the way her body is, 93% of the fashion designers will not accept her. She can probably do print ads. I thought Tyra stopped doing pity parties since cycle 6 when she told that to Wendy, and obviously Tahlia is the pity party in this cycle. I wonder how far she will go Neutral.
Jesse_Dillon   [Feb 24, 2009 at 09:37 PM]
I kno what you were referign to David, I just think its a little mean to say she is hideous.
curdledsauce   [Feb 24, 2009 at 09:46 PM]
I think it's better to say that her skin and body are not fit for fashion than saying she is hideous. I don't even think she looks bad.
Katarzyna-Jenah-McKey   [Feb 24, 2009 at 10:15 PM]
I think he means hideous in a model sense which she is. Of course she isn't my cup of tea in real life.
david18   [Feb 24, 2009 at 10:29 PM]
Starfish   [Feb 26, 2009 at 05:28 PM]
Actually david, designers do hire girl with no belly button for example Carmen Kass, but unlike Tahlia she has a modelly look. Hey by the way guys, did you hear that for CYCLE 13, THE HEIGHT REQUIREMENT HAS BEEN LOWERED TO BELOW 5 FEET 7. I AM REALLY MAD.
Katarzyna-Jenah-McKey   [Feb 26, 2009 at 05:33 PM]
Carmen Kass has a belly button...
david18   [Feb 26, 2009 at 06:42 PM]
Michelle&AmandaBabin   [Feb 26, 2009 at 07:03 PM]

As you can see, she CLEARLY has a belly button.
As for Tahlia, bad look, too much working against her, the scars... I don't see the makings of a model.
Dustin   [Feb 27, 2009 at 12:30 AM]
Yep, cycle 13 ish for short models Cool.
curdledsauce   [Feb 27, 2009 at 12:35 AM]
What is all this about girls having no bellybuttons? BTW I think it's Karolina Kurkova that Starfish is referring to but I don't think that not having one is natural, ever.
Starfish   [Feb 27, 2009 at 01:56 AM]
Yh, sorry david, I meant Karolina Kurkova, the Victoria's Secret Model. I was just about to audition for the show on cycle 13. I just turned 18, and I am 5 feet 11. Gosh, I hate Tyra. I could slap her. By the way, Carmen Kass and Kahlen look so much alike.

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