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Tahlia Brookins
Photo: Brian Edwards

Tahlia Brookins

Photo: Brian Edwards

[ANTM]_Tahlia04.jpg [ANTM]_Tahlia05_(Nigel_Barker).jpg [ANTM]_Tahlia06.jpg [ANTM]_Tahlia04b.jpg [ANTM]_Tahlia07_(Keith_Major).jpg

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cristalfur   [Mar 27, 2009 at 09:53 PM]
Dude, I'm a 14 year old boy and 43598465923760346.5867334 times more modelesque than Tahlia... On a side note, I really hope she doesn't read the comments here...
david18   [Mar 27, 2009 at 10:00 PM]
I kind of hope she does. Like I said before, she should be ashamed for accepting so much pity.
cristalfur   [Mar 27, 2009 at 10:08 PM]
I'd like her to see constructive criticism, but at the same time, if I were in her shoes, I wouldn't want to read "Oh, this girls is a fat bitch," etc.
david18   [Mar 27, 2009 at 10:10 PM]
I say she deserves it simply because she is so obnoxious. Not fat, but to quote Anchal, she's "a stupid, little bitch."
tflats   [Mar 27, 2009 at 10:16 PM]
Forget about Tahlia...look how great Benny Ninja looks!
sam'sboyfriend   [Mar 27, 2009 at 10:18 PM]
Honestly Tahlia is just going through things she is not a bitch she just whines alot. Honestly you can not see the colors Dave it does not matter
david18   [Mar 27, 2009 at 10:22 PM]
Actually the color doesn't really matter as much as the TONE of the color. Notice Celia is covered in dark clothes, and the judges mentioned the girl above her stealing attention? Notice the girl's dress is WHITE? The lightness of the blouse's tone alone brings Tahlia out more. So it does matter. You get what I mean?

Of course a dark photo will make it much easier to see light objects and harder to notice dark objects.
cristalfur   [Mar 27, 2009 at 10:23 PM]
I just want her gone! The worst thing is, I can actually see Tyra stringing her along until Top4!!! I cannot tell you how many people would have to die if this girl outlasted Natalie, Celia, Allison or Teyona.
sam'sboyfriend   [Mar 27, 2009 at 10:27 PM]
She stands out because she is in the center and the biggest person in the shot
david18   [Mar 27, 2009 at 10:29 PM]
Perhaps, but only shows more rigging, since the girls are told were to sit and pose from there.
huutcherdiing   [Mar 27, 2009 at 10:49 PM]
seriously, you guys are being stupid saying that the show is rigged. those clothes and makeup is like how some immigrants dressed back in the day. she brought the talent to set and worked the shot. and just because the other people wore ugly bag lady clothes doesn't mean that they couldn't work them. the point is is that you guys like to hate on tahlia - end of story!
CiaranSkye   [Mar 27, 2009 at 11:05 PM]
Nah, Tyra won't string her out. She'll be gone soon, probably in the next two weeks after nervous breakdown # 12315654316451213251
sam'sboyfriend   [Mar 27, 2009 at 11:21 PM]
if this show is not rigged explain the reason LB was eliminated, or Mollie Sue, or the reason Dominique stayed so long, or why did Sarah c9 get eliminated, or how Saleisha won
TaiOfMine   [Mar 28, 2009 at 12:03 AM]
@ longtimefan : ISIS. I loved Isis. She was the only sob story/underdog I actually ever liked.

@ nobody in particular... If this show ISN'T rigged, I would be devastated. Rigging is the only thing that explains certain girls staying/winning over others...
david18   [Mar 28, 2009 at 12:23 AM]
The point is, some people are flat-out ignorant/naive. The show is rigged, no matter how you look at it.

And here is my justification for Tahlia being obnoxious/whiney/ a bitch:

It is pretty easy to say that Tahlia would NEVER, and I mean NEVER make it onto another country's NTM like Ausntm, or even on the other modeling series of America, Make Me A Supermodel (try and deny this, and I swear). Tyra is actually doing Tahlia a HUGE unmeasurable favor by allowing her to compete in her MODELING competition, over girls who ARE the right size for the industry, not in the middle like Tahlia, have gorgeous unscarred bodies, have cheekbones to poke your eyes out with, and are considerably more modelesque than she is. Try and deny the fact that there were definitely more modelesque girls than Tahlia who probably tried out and I swear. Next Tahlia has the nerve to decide to hate a girl who says her photo was the worst of the week (and you all KNOW Tahlia's was the worst in the second week). A girl who actually looks like a model and was giving her honest opinion. Next, Tahlia has the dang NERVE to get upset when confronted with criticism, as if she shouldn't be told anything because she's a burned victim. She has the gall to cry when a designer who has a well-established respected career and reputation, decides to cover up her burns? Tahlia, do you have any idea how many girls who are thinner and much more beautiful than you would kill to be on that runway and can go their entire lives without it? You have the nerve to cry at being boo'ed at a runway presentation for The Blondes, even though it's quite obvious you let your over-sensitivity get in the way to your suckage? And then, in the absolute worst manner, you have the damned AUDACITY to say "I want to go home"?! You have absolutely no idea how many girls would DIE to be there, how many beautiful girls Tyra turned away to put your nasty ass in there, only for you to whine and be ungrateful for the opportunity?! The opportunity to be the "role model for burned victims?" Great example. I'm comfortable in my burns, and to prove it, I will cry about it every episode. Dumb ass.

Seriously, if you can't shut up and take advantage of this wonderful opportunity that you were PITIED into being given, go the fuck home. Don't even contemplate trying out when you're NOT a model, lack potential, and most of all stamina. The only real victim of scars around here is ANTM for having to put up with all your ungrateful BITCHING.

Just. Go. Home.

I know people will probably be infuriated, say I have no heart, or that I'm a hater, but she really didn't use this once in a lifetime opportunity to what she could, making her time on antm useless that could have had a REAL model.
longtimefan   [Mar 28, 2009 at 02:48 AM]
I think you pretty much said what a lot of us are thinking.
steady01   [Mar 28, 2009 at 05:10 AM]
@david18 you said it perfectly! I'm from England and if Tahlia were to try out for Britain's Next Top Model she would be turned away before she even walked in the casting room. Why? Because they only accept girls who are skinny and flawless basically. It sounds horrible but unlike ANTM, BNTM doesn't give people like this a chance because I think they've realised that the modeling industry would never accept someone like Tahlia
longtimefan   [Mar 28, 2009 at 05:35 AM]
^ I live in Australia and that's pretty much the same as Aus-NTM.
david18   [Mar 28, 2009 at 05:54 AM]
The defense rests. Thanks y'all. I live in America, and... yeah. That would also explain why girls from other NTM's aren't shunned from the fashion world as much as ANTM girls.
chris_19   [Mar 28, 2009 at 06:43 AM]
she looks absoloutly beautiful IMO

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