Despite the granny hair, I think this shot looks great tbh. None of the shots this week were less than above average except Fug's. @Solitaire, she ain't no CG, but neither was Naima. I think she might be able to land a FCO if she makes it to that week. But if Tyra is really gonna hand Teyona an easy, extremely biased no bottom two record, then there's no hope for Celia . She might be like Eva, though(B2 in the last two panels before the final runway)
^I know, every girl can do Seventeen...but I don't think Anna Wintour would like to put a girl from a reality show...And instead of Covergirl, they should get a contract with something like Estee Lauder
i think the show has lost soo much quality these past cycles, vogue or estee lauder wouldn't hire one of these girls, that why they have to stick to covergirl and seventeen
first i didnt like her wat she did to tahila then i thought why should of do that for in last 4 weeks i started to like her oh well i whant allison to win but i think tyra will have admint in teyona in the finale two in teyona like i dont care if teyona win but allison should have deffinaly make it further then ape adimnt
Its funny coz i started liking Celia after she was mean to Tahlia So it wasent Celia who cryed at pannel! it was Teyona, i wouldent call it a breakdown though
tyra did not even give reasonable reasons for Aminat to stay. When I saw Celia smiling I knew she knew she would go home. This is the first bottom two Teyona deserved and did not get. even Blahminat did better than her
oh Celia... how could you leave us... you would have pummeled the final runway... oh Celia..