I was being sarcastic -_-... it's the concept that I proposed that makes everything about Isis being on the show unfair and fail! I have no problem with him/her. Good job for it! And I admire that he/she is strong eough to go through all of the criticism, I'm talkking more about eligibility and requirement criteria for the show. It's a man.
like a wise person once said, "if it looks like a duck, smells like a duck, it's a duck." so isis doesn't look like a man, i have NO idea if she smells like one, so i believe she's truly a woman. if you look like a woman and can pull of great shots as a woman, than i believe she should be in this competition.
Just because something looks like something else doesn't mean it is. Aesthetic represenations don't affect what truth is, she's a man regardless of what you she looks like. You can think all day about what something/someone looks like, but that doesn't make the object or person that which you're perceiving. Isis is a man.
^I never see any covergirl pics from the winners. I've seen 1 of Caridee and thats a sunglasses shot. Covergirl has to go!!! Seventeen magazine can get lost too!!!
Except Elle Girl doesn't exist anymore. Didn't it go under? I'd really be happy with ANYTHING besdies Seventeen... let's get Cat Fancy to sport the winner's shots!
i like Isis, but i hope the judges and herlsef, dont use the fact that she is a transgender as a cruch to get her through the competition, in my opinion this picture is ok, but i think shes gonna do better throught the comp.
1. Santana-get over it already. 2. The ignorance is seriously staggering in alot of these comments. 3. Isis is the s*** and rocking it, and the small minded folks can't seem to handle it. Notice how the hating females are simply dropping off one by one, starting with Kacey, who didnt even make it to the house, and Sharaun, the biggest smack talker, and she winds up going home first. Can we say KARMA?? Keep doing your thing, Isis!!!
ummm, ANTMLove, you kinda misunderstood what I was trying to say... Two of the nicest girls in the competition were in the bottom 2, so either way, a nice girl would've gone(even though it was obvious it was gonna be Nikey, two bottom 2 appearances in a row in the first two weeks?! There's no way anyone could've survived that!), not to mention that the other two nicest girls were part of the bottom four, so Karma kinda failed us this time.
Sorry if it came off as rude toward Isis or anyone else, that really wasn't my intention. I love Isis alot. If she was eliminated this early, than I would've stopped watching ANTM.
I was hoping that Clark or Brittany would leave. I love their looks, but unfortunately, the former comes off as cocky and catty, and the latter comes off as phony.
^He, not she. I'm a guy lol. Anyway, I don't understand all the Isis hate either. She's fierce and has a fierce walk. Pictures haven't been so bad either. Who cares if she's a transsexual if she can serve THAT! Besides, regardless of what she was, she's a woman now, that's what really matters. I <3 her x3
^ agreed. I honestly beleive that if Isis was born a female she would have still been one of the 14 finalist, transgender or not. But there's no doubt that the producers love it, but from a modelling perspective, she deserves to be there.
Once you see the bottom 2 in episode 3 and who's eliminated next, I think you'll eat that Karma remark big time.
Sorry if it came off as rude toward Isis or anyone else, that really wasn't my intention. I love Isis alot. If she was eliminated this early, than I would've stopped watching ANTM.
I was hoping that Clark or Brittany would leave. I love their looks, but unfortunately, the former comes off as cocky and catty, and the latter comes off as phony.