I love the emotion I get from this shot. I can see the pain and anger she is trying to portray, and she actually looks pretty for once. xD For meeting the requirements for this photoshoot, she gets my FCO.
Absolutely the worst of the week. Her body looks very in shape (which must be the result of photoshop, because I don't recall her being that thin), but she is not working her theme AT ALL. Her face is DEAD, the arms look ridiculous, there is no power in her pose, and as someone who goes to metal and punk shows I can tell you that this has nothing to do moshing at all. And no one wears a damn top hat to shows. When is she leaving?
^^Angelea is sooo much better then Jaslene! And we can understand whats shes saying Im actually starteing to love her! this photo is "Bomb-Ass" which is amazing! XD i think Go angelea!