^ That's it! My bad. Don't know where I got Fold It In from lol. Yeah, a lot of these girls are disappointing. Hopefully we'll see more potential when the show starts.
"Get in the fold" is the tagline of the cycle, therefore the promo picture is oragami themed. Allison looks so great here, she will definatly be the main focus. I would have to say though, Sandra has really dissapointed me with her horrible picture here.
I watched the long preview and it made me wince how Tyra sounded so full of herself. Goddess of fierce since 2007 blah blah blah and she needed a successor? WTF? But Tyra does look fantastic in this group shot. But Tyra definitely is not a goddess of mercy, I feel bad for the girl with the pens.
^ Get a bucket. I just watched the promo on youtube. BUT it's not as tacky as the future/tyrabot premier. It's all gladiator-esque.
Oh and I was pleasantly surprised how direct Tyra was to the pen girl. I think she's over girls trying to sell themselves with a dorky gimmick and using the "small town" excuse over and over.
Oh and I was pleasantly surprised how direct Tyra was to the pen girl. I think she's over girls trying to sell themselves with a dorky gimmick and using the "small town" excuse over and over.