I think she looks gorgeous in this shot. Ooh, but the changed one by xaxatun looks even better. I don't think she looks stupid at all. Whitney has her mouth opened in every single picture, she looks stupid too. ANYA SHOULD HAVE WON!
not her best angle, but still pretty. i don't think pretty cuts it to be a covergirl though, but she still shoulda won!!!!!!! They (covergirl ppl) coulda photoshopped the eyes like xaxatun.
she looks much beter in the edited eyes pic, bazooka that comment was unnecessary, she shouldn;t have been called first but she deserved to be in the top 2 at least
its not even that bad, i like it better than fatimas. its very chic and high fashion mixed with covergirl. this is by far better than jaslene's and natasha's and melrose and eugena, saleisha, chantal's,
The change is a lot better. I think that maybe the director must've screwed up the photo a bit, because the angle could be a lot better. And they shoud've done something with her eyebrows. I'm sad that she didn't win but Whitney was great too, and Anya is REALLY high fashion and will probably get just as far as her in the industry with her look.
amazing shot but she does NOT look like a Cover girl!!!
[May 21, 2008 at 02:24 PM]
I understand where Paulina was coming from when she said "You look kind of stupid". My first thought would be she looks like a dumb blonde if that was my first time seeing Anya. I'm positive she had better pictures.
paulina's the stupid one! if she said its stupid then why did they gave her 1st call! stupid paulina1 worst judge evr! get twiggy or janice back! this is gr8! i love anya! anya shud have won ! stupid paulina poriskova.
Worst of the 3, but even then it's not that bad. I don't get why she was called first, I was certain she would end up in the bottom 2 ala Melrose for falling at the last hurdle. I agree that she'll be alot better off without the ANTM monika.
I think the whole angle thing was the 'new covergirl' look on things. For example, the Drew Barrymore pic like this is the same sort of angle and it's terrible on her!! Judging her on this pic even though some people just CAN'T have that kinda angle is STUPID!
Worst of the 3?! What are you on? Fatima's looked like it was her first week. This would be a winning shot if Jim De Yonker her lowered his hand when he was saying 'look at this' *hyperextends arm straight up as high as it goes*. Did anyone else notice him pretty much doing that?