^I have to admit that I don't like Sandra's personality but she has WAAAY more potential than Kortnie and hell this is not a popularity contest. I'm sure she's striking in person and if she improves her imagine in photographs she could actually book jobs in the real world. Isn't that what this competition is about?
To so many people, they don't care if a girl takes good pictures as much as if she's a nice person. The cheese factor. Sandra had the BEST photo last week and will Kortnie could never in her wildest dreams be even a tenth as modelesque as Sandra.
I wonder what's on the east of this setting cuz the girls keep on looking at it so much?? ugh Not so good pose. Whatever she does with her face she still has that exotic african look to rescue her
Oh, wait. Everyone hates Sandra.
Oh well, just me and bigdmarie. Lol. I'm a poet and you don't know it.
Mirror, mirror, on the wall,
WHO is the fiahcest one of all?
The answer is true, as the sky is blue,
David is the fiahcest, and Sandra, number two!
*Mirror shows Whitney for a split second before it cracks*