Michelle, you are so right,after looking at these still shoots from these photo shoots, I see Kelle was robbed. I remember her beauty shot shoot and she told Tyra they coulda picked a better shot. by looking at these, I see she did have better shots. If they actually picked her GOOD shots, then she wouldn't have ended up in the bottom two many times and would've continued farther in the competition.
makes you wonder who else Tyra and the producers set up to fail for their favorites to get through to the end, well beyond the obvious ones like AJ and Nicole from Cycle 3. sabotage other girls so other ones like Eugena and Yaya can skate through as far as possible. dont get me wrong Yaya did have some good shots in the beginning but she never stepped it up to me she just gave the same good energy in each shoot and shouldnt have made it past the Japanese Soup commercial.
I'm not gonna argue with the rest of the images but that Lee jeans was a group shot, so the 'best shot' was the 'best shot' for the whole group. Kelle was just unfortunate enough to be pulling a less than attractive face in the chosen group shot. That's all I'm saying, I'm really not trying to start an argument, that's just my point on the Lee Jeans ad specifically.
For the Lee Jeans shot, they shoulda used the best shot for EACH girl instead the best group shot. It makes wonder how far Kelle would have gone if Tyra didn't set her up?